
The website and its content are owned by Julie Morgenlender (“I”, “my”). The word “you” refers to the user or viewer of my website.

I reserve the right to change this Website Disclaimer at any time without notice. By using the website and its content you are agreeing to the Website Disclaimer as it appears, whether or not you have read this language. If you do not agree with this Website Disclaimer, please do not use the website or its content.

All of the content on this website and its products is for educational and informational purposes only and is not to be taken as specific health advice. It’s accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. None of the advice, opinions, or suggestions offered here are meant to be followed without consideration for your own personal circumstances. By using this website and content, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any actions you take and the results you receive. When I respond to comments, those are my thoughts and opinions based on limited information.

I make no guarantees as to your ability to improve your health, avoid worsening of your health, or otherwise change your chronic illness circumstances. You agree that I am not responsible for your results and that you are responsible for your own actions. I am not liable for your results and you can not sue me for any results you have that occur due to actions you take based on information on this site. You are advised to speak with your own medical professionals about your own specific situation and needs.

Any stories on this site and the accompanying photos are examples of real people who have chosen to share their stories publicly. There is no guarantee that you will have the same experiences or results.

Some of the links on this site are affiliate links. That means that if you click them, I might receive compensation. Your price will not be higher if you use these links. I will only recommend products that I believe in, whether they offer commissions or not. However, my promotion of these products or services is not an endorsement and I am not liable for these products or services or for the results you receive.

I recommend some websites and books that I have found helpful and that I believe you might find helpful as well. However, any reference or links in this site and its content to any other individual’s or business’s website, products, or services are not a formal endorsement. I am not responsible for the content of any of websites, products, or services referenced on this website or in its content.

I am not a doctor, nurse, physician’s assistant, or other medical professional.

By using this website and its products, you acknowledge your agreement with all parts of this Disclaimer. If you have questions about any part of this Disclaimer, please contact chronicillnesstruths@gmail.com